Grade 3 Curriculum
Grade 3 Curriculum Overview
The Apostle’s Creed
Sacraments of Christian initiation
Introduction to the Saints
Feasts and seasons of the church calendar
The Holy Trinity
Being an active member of the church
Use context clues to determine the meaning of key words
Read , discuss, and identify various types of literature; ex. Folk Tales, Fiction, Non-Fiction, Fantasy, Realistic Fiction, Biographies, Informational Text
Oral language activities, including speaking and listening
Writing/Language Arts
Writing process
Book reports, research papers
Produce various works of writing which are comprised of at least 3 paragraphs with five or more sentences
Cursive handwriting
Addition and subtraction of whole numbers (3 or more digits, with and without regrouping)
Multiplication through the number 12 (memorized)
Introduction of division and an understanding of how it relates to multiplication
Money (making change)
Time (elapsed and telling time to the minute)
Customary and metric linear measurement to the quarter inch
Science and Technology
Plants (parts of a plant, various types, process of making glucose)
Animals (life cycles, habitats, vertebrates)
The Water Cycle
Forms of Energy
Use technology to conduct research on various topics
Students will investigate and explore a variety of science concepts.
Physical Science – classify objects by color, flexibility, texture, and hardness.
Life Science - Develop and use models to compare animal and plants life through ornithology study
Earth and Space - Learn about landforms and how wind and water can transform the Earth.
Social Studies
In 3rd grade, the focus is on Massachusetts as well as New England.
Massachusetts cities and towns, geographical features
New England (identify the 6 states and locate on a map)
State symbols (bird, tree, dessert, nicknames, etc.)
Historical sites and significance
Pilgrims and Puritans
The American Revolution