Grade 3 Curriculum

Grade 3 Curriculum Overview


  • The Apostle’s Creed

  • Sacraments of Christian initiation

  • Introduction to the Saints

  • Feasts and seasons of the church calendar

  • The Holy Trinity

  • Being an active member of the church


  • Use context clues to determine the meaning of key words

  • Inferencing

  • Read , discuss, and identify various types of literature; ex. Folk Tales, Fiction, Non-Fiction, Fantasy, Realistic Fiction, Biographies, Informational Text

  • Oral language activities, including speaking and listening

Writing/Language Arts

  • Writing process

  • Book reports, research papers

  • Grammar

  • Produce various works of writing which are comprised of at least 3 paragraphs with five or more sentences

  • Cursive handwriting


  • Addition and subtraction of whole numbers (3 or more digits, with and without regrouping)

  • Multiplication through the number 12 (memorized)

  • Introduction of division and an understanding of how it relates to multiplication

  • Money (making change)

  • Time (elapsed and telling time to the minute)

  • Customary and metric linear measurement to the quarter inch

Science and Technology

  • Plants (parts of a plant, various types, process of making glucose)

  • Animals (life cycles, habitats, vertebrates)

  • Weather

  • The Water Cycle

  • Forms of Energy

  • Ecosystems

  • Use technology to conduct research on various topics


Students will investigate and explore a variety of science concepts.

  • Physical Science – classify objects by color, flexibility, texture, and hardness.

  • Life Science - Develop and use models to compare animal and plants life through ornithology study

  • Earth and Space - Learn about landforms and how wind and water can transform the Earth.

Social Studies

In 3rd grade, the focus is on Massachusetts as well as New England.

  • Massachusetts cities and towns, geographical features

  • New England (identify the 6 states and locate on a map)

  • State symbols (bird, tree, dessert, nicknames, etc.)

  • Historical sites and significance

  • Wampanoags

  • Pilgrims and Puritans

  • The American Revolution